Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where has the work life balance gone?

Last night, while my daughter was cleaning her teeth, my husband was sat next to her responding to work emails. It struck me then that work has invaded my family life through a little palm sized device.
au SmartPhone IS01
Image via Wikipedia
Don't get me wrong I love the little gizmos and a time for everything but where do we draw the line? Have we lost the ability to switch off and say no?
New research from Ofcom has found that 81 per cent of smartphone users have their mobile switched on all of the time, even when they are in bed and would wake up in the night to answer or use it. More worryingly is that over a fifth of adult users admitted using or answering their handset in the bathroom or toilet. Is there nothing sacred?
Is the demise of family life imminent when nearly a quarter of adults use their phones during mealtimes? In a time where 37% of adults admit to being 'highly addicted' to their Smartphone isn't it time to step back and re-draw the line between work and life? How do you keep the balance?


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